

mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator module

orcestrator, higherst level of the framework

class mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.Experiment(*, soe: list, params: dict, meta: Optional[dict])[source]

Bases: pydantic.main.BaseModel

validation class

meta: Optional[dict]
model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

model_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'meta': FieldInfo(annotation=Union[dict, NoneType], required=True), 'params': FieldInfo(annotation=dict, required=True), 'soe': FieldInfo(annotation=list, required=True)}

Metadata about the fields defined on the model, mapping of field names to [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo].

This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

classmethod native_command_ordering(experiments)[source]

check if the soe is in the right order


experiments (list) – list of experiments


return class with the parameters and the data

Return type

retc (ReturnClass)

classmethod parameter_correspondence(experiment, values)[source]

check if the parameters are in the right order

  • experiment (dict) – dict of experiments

  • experiment_values (list) – list of experiments


dict of experiments

Return type

experiment (dict)

params: dict
soe: list
mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.clear(thread: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Empty queue for thread, or for all threads if no thread specified.


thread (Optional[int], optional) – thread to clear. Defaults to None.


Disconnect from orchestrator

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.do_measurement(experiment: dict, thread: int)[source]

Executes a single experiment

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.finish(experiment: dict)[source]
Ensure tracking variables are appropriately reset at the end of a run,

and upload the finished session


experiment (dict) – dictionary containing experiment metadata

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.get_data(thread: int, addresses: str, mode: str, wait_time: float = 0.01)[source]

Get data from the specified addresses

  • thread (int) – thread to get data from

  • addresses (str) – addresses to get data from

  • mode (str) – mode to get data in

  • wait (float, optional) – time to wait between requests. Defaults to .01.


ValueError – _description_


data from the specified addresses

Return type



Get status of all threads


status of all threads

Return type



health check to see if the server is up and running :returns: status :rtype: dict

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.infl(thread: int)[source]

Executes a single thread of experiments

mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.kill(thread: Optional[int] = None)[source]
Empty queue and cancel current experiment for thread,

or for all threads if no thread specified


thread (Optional[int], optional) – thread to kill. Defaults to None.


Main entry point of the application.

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.memory()[source]

Initialize memory for orchestrator

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.modify(experiment: dict, addresses: Union[str, list], pointers: Union[str, list])[source]
Set undefined values under experiment parameter dict.

Values must come from currently running threads

  • experiment (dict) – dictionary containing experiment metadata

  • addresses (Union[str,list]) – within a run, address(es) of the value(s) that should be transmitted to parameter(s)

  • pointers (Union[str,list]) – within param dict of experiment, addresses to transmit values to. parameter must have previously been initialized as “?”


dictionary containing experiment

Return type


mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.pause(thread: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Pause current experiment for thread, or for all threads if no thread specified


thread (Optional[int], optional) – thread to pause. Defaults to None.

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.process_native_command(command: str, experiment: dict, **params)[source]

process a command that is native to the orchestrator

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.raise_exceptions()[source]

Check for exceptions. If found, print stack trace and cancel the infinite loop Error handing within the infinite loop

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.repeat(experiment: dict, number_of_repeat: int = 0, priority: int = 5)[source]

Submit an experiment identical to the current one to the orchestrator thread.

  • experiment (dict) – dictionary containing experiment metadata

  • n (int, optional) – number of times to repeat after 1st experiment, or 0 to repeat until forced to stop. Defaults to 0.

  • priority (int, optional) – priority of experiment. Defaults to 5.



Return type


mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.resume(thread: Optional[int] = None)[source]

Resume current experiment for thread, or for all threads if no thread specified


thread (Optional[int], optional) – thread to resume. Defaults to None.

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.scheduler()[source]

Receives all experiments, creates new threads, and sends experiments to the appropriate thread

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.send_measurement(experiment: str, thread: int = 0, priority: int = 10)[source]

Add sequence of experiment to the queue of the orchestrator

  • experiment (str) – experiment to be added to the queue

  • thread (int) – thread to which the experiment is added

  • priority (int) – priority of the experiment in the queue

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.start(experiment: dict, collectionkey: str, meta: dict = {})[source]
Ensure appropriate folder, file, and all keys and tracking variables are appropriately

initialized at the beginning of a run

  • experiment (dict) – experiment dictionary

  • collectionkey (str) – determines folder and file names for session, may correspond to key of experiment[‘meta’], in which case name will be indexed by that value.

  • meta (dict, optional) – will be placed as metadata under the header of the run set up by this command. Defaults to {}.

async mischbares.orchestrator.orchestrator.wait(experiment: dict, addresses: Union[str, list])[source]

Pause experiment until given thread(s) complete(s) given action(s)

  • experiment (dict) – dictionary containing experiment metadata

  • addresses (Union[str,list]) – path(s) below run to awaited address(es), i.e “experiment/action”


dictionary containing experiment metadata

Return type


Module contents