Source code for mischbares.server.autolab_server

"""autolab dirver"""
import time
import re

import json
#pylint: disable=E0611
from pydantic import BaseModel
from fastapi import FastAPI, WebSocket
import uvicorn

from mischbares.config.main_config import config
from mischbares.driver.autolab_driver import Autolab
from mischbares.logger import logger
from mischbares.utils import utils

log = logger.get_logger("autolab_server")
SERVERKEY= "autolabDriver"

app = FastAPI(title="Autolab", description="AutolabDriver API", version="2.1.0")

#pylint: disable=R0903
[docs]class ReturnClass(BaseModel): """ define a return class for returning the result with pydantic """ parameters: dict = None data: dict = None
[docs]@app.on_event("startup") def startup_event(): """startup event for initializing the autolab driver """ #pylint: disable=W0601 global AUTOLAB AUTOLAB = Autolab(config[SERVERKEY])"Autolab server started")
[docs]@app.get("/health") def health_check(): """ health check to see if the server is up and running Returns: dict: status """ return {"status": "healthy"}
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/cellonoff") def set_cell(onoff: str): """turn the cell on or off. Args: onoff (str): "on" or "off" for the cell. Returns: retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data. """ AUTOLAB.set_cell(onoff) retc = ReturnClass(parameters = {'onoff': onoff}, data = {})"set_cell: %s at the server level", onoff) return retc
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/reset") def reset(): """reset the autolab driver Returns: retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data. """ AUTOLAB.reset() retc = ReturnClass(parameters={}, data={})"Autolab reset at the server level") return retc
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/abort") def abort(): """abort the current procedure. Returns: retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data. """ AUTOLAB.abort() retc = ReturnClass(parameters={}, data={})"Autolab abort at the server level") return retc
[docs]@app.on_event("shutdown") def disconnect(): """ disconnect from the instrument. """ AUTOLAB.disconnect()"Autolab server shutdown")
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/setstability") def set_stability(stability: str): """set the stability of the instrument. Args: stability (str): "high", "low". Returns: retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data. """ AUTOLAB.set_stability(stability) retc = ReturnClass(parameters={'stability': stability}, data={})"set_stability: %s at the server level", stability) return retc
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/potential") def potential(): """get the current of the instrument vs. reference electrode. Returns: retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data. """ ret = AUTOLAB.potential() retc = ReturnClass(parameters= {}, data={'potential': ret, 'units': 'V'}) return retc
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/appliedpotential") def applied_potential(): """get the applied potential of the instrument vs. reference electrode. Returns: retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data. """ ret = AUTOLAB.applied_potential() retc = ReturnClass(parameters={}, data={ 'applied_potential': ret, 'units': 'V'}) return retc
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/current") def current(): """get the current of the instrument vs. reference electrode. Returns: current (float): current value. """ ret = AUTOLAB.current() retc = ReturnClass(parameters={}, data={'current': ret, 'units': 'A'}) return retc
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/ismeasuring") def measure_status(): """check if the instrument is measuring. Returns: retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data """ ret = AUTOLAB.measure_status() retc = ReturnClass(parameters={}, data={'measure_status': ret}) return retc
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/setcurrentrange") def set_current_range(crange: str): """set the current range of the instrument. Returns: retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data """ AUTOLAB.set_current_range(crange) res = [re.findall(r'(\d+)(\w+)', crange)[0]] retc = ReturnClass( parameters={'parameters': crange, 'units': res[0][1]}, data={})"set_current_range: %s with unit %s at the server level", crange, res[0][1]) return retc
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/measure") async def perform_measurement(procedure: str, plot_type: str, parse_instruction, save_dir: str, setpoints, current_range: str = "1mA", on_off_status: str = "off", optional_name: str = None, measure_at_ocp: bool = False, measurement_id: int = None): """perform the measurement Args: procedure (str): the procedure to be performed. plot_type (str): the type of plot. parse_instruction (list[str]): the instruction for parsing the data. save_dir (str): save directory. setpoints (dict): the setpoints of the procedure. Defaults to None. current_range (str): the current range of the instrument. Defaults to "1mA". on_off_status (str): the status of the instrument. Defaults to "off". optional_name (str): optional file name. Defaults to None. measure_at_ocp (bool): measure at ocp. Defaults to False. Returns: retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data """ # eval to convert the string to dict if setpoints is not None: setpoints = eval(setpoints) # check the instance of the parse instruction if isinstance(parse_instruction, str): parse_instruction = eval(parse_instruction) data = await AUTOLAB.perform_measurement(procedure = procedure, plot_type = plot_type, parse_instruction = parse_instruction, save_dir = save_dir, setpoints = setpoints, current_range = current_range, on_off_status = on_off_status, optional_name = optional_name, measure_at_ocp = measure_at_ocp, measurement_id = measurement_id) retc = ReturnClass(measurement_type='potentiostat_autolab', parameters={'command': 'perform_measurement', 'parameters': dict(procedure=procedure, setpoints=setpoints, current_range=current_range, measure_at_ocp=measure_at_ocp, plot_type=plot_type, on_off_status=on_off_status, parse_instruction=parse_instruction, save_dir=save_dir, optional_name=optional_name)}, data=data)"perform {procedure} wih parameters {setpoints} at the server level \n the result is \n {data}") return retc
[docs]@app.websocket("/ws") async def websocket_messages(websocket: WebSocket): """websocket for the autolab driver and visualise the results. Args: websocket (WebSocket): _description_ """ await websocket.accept() while True: data = await AUTOLAB.queue.get() print('data: '+str(data)) data = {k: [v] for k, v in zip( ["t_s", "freq", "Ewe_V", "Z_real", "Z_imag", "phase", "modulus", "I_A", "measurement_id"], data)} await websocket.send_text(json.dumps(time.time())) await websocket.send_text(json.dumps(data))
[docs]@app.get("/autolabDriver/retrieve") def retrieve(save_dir: str, file_name: str): """retrieve the data from the nox file. Args: safepath (str): the path of the nox file. file_name (str): the name of the nox file. Returns: retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data """ data = utils.load_data_as_json(directory=save_dir, name=file_name.replace('.nox', 'data.json')) retc = ReturnClass(parameters = {'save_dir': save_dir, 'file_name': file_name}, data= data)"retrieve the data from {save_dir} with file name {file_name} \ at the server level with data \n {data}") return retc
[docs]def main(): """main function to run the server. """, host=config['servers'][SERVERKEY] ['host'], port=config['servers'][SERVERKEY]['port'])
if __name__ == "__main__": main()