Source code for mischbares.driver.autolab_driver

"""autolab dirver"""
import os
import sys
import time
from time import sleep
from copy import copy
import asyncio
import numpy as np
import clr
from datetime import datetime

from mischbares.driver.analysis_driver import AnalysisDriver
from mischbares.logger import logger
from mischbares.utils import utils
from mischbares.db.procedure import Procedure
from mischbares.utils.utils import send_to_telegram

log = logger.get_logger("autolab_driver")

[docs]class Autolab: """autolab class for defining the base functions of Metrohm instrument. """ def __init__(self, autolab_conf): #init a Queue for the visualizer self.queue = asyncio.Queue() # loop=asyncio.get_event_loop() self.basep = autolab_conf["basep"] sys.path.append(self.basep) self.procp = autolab_conf["procp"] self.hwsetupf = autolab_conf["hwsetupf"] self.micsetupf = autolab_conf["micsetupf"] self.proceduresd = autolab_conf["proceuduresd"] try: # pylint: disable=E1101, E0401, C0415 clr.AddReference("EcoChemie.Autolab.Sdk") from EcoChemie.Autolab import Sdk as sdk except Exception as exp: log.error(f"Cannot find the autolab SDK. With error {exp}") sys.exit() self.inst = sdk.Instrument() self.connect() self.proc = None self._save_dir = None self._optional_name = None self.finished_procedure = None = None self.current_range_procedure_setting = dict(ca = "switchpotentiostatic", cp = "switchgalvanostatic", eis = "Autolab control") self.ocp_procedure_setting = dict(ca = "applypotential0", cp = "applycurrent0", eis = "Set potential", cv_staircase = "FHSetSetpointPotential") @property def save_dir(self): """get the save directory. Returns: str: save directory. """ return self._save_dir @property def optional_name(self): """get the optional name. Returns: str: optional name. """ return self._optional_name @save_dir.setter def save_dir(self, save_dir): """set the save directory. Args: save_dir (str): save directory. """ self._save_dir = save_dir @optional_name.setter def optional_name(self, optional_name): """set the optional name. Args: optional_name (str): optional name. """ self._optional_name = optional_name
[docs] def connect(self): """connect to the instrument. """ try: self.inst.HardwareSetupFile = self.hwsetupf self.inst.AutolabConnection.EmbeddedExeFileToStart = self.micsetupf self.inst.Connect()"Connected to Autolab") except Exception as exp: log.error(exp) sys.exit()
[docs] def set_cell(self, onoff): """turn the cell on or off. Args: onoff (str): "on" or "off" for the cell. """ if onoff == 'on':"turning cell on") self.inst.Ei.CellOnOff = 1 elif onoff == 'off':"turning cell off") self.inst.Ei.CellOnOff = 0 elif onoff == 'na':"no action for cell")
# reset the instrument
[docs] def reset(self): """reset the instrument. """ self.set_cell("off") self.set_cell("on")"instrument reset")
[docs] def abort(self): """abort the current procedure. """ try: self.proc.Abort()"procedure aborted") except:"Failed to abort, no procedure is loaded")
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ disconnect from the instrument. """ self.proc.Abort() self.inst.Disconnect()"Disconnected from Autolab")
[docs] def set_stability(self, stability): """set the stability of the instrument. Args: stability (str): "high", "low". """ if stability=="high":"setting stability to high") self.inst.Ei.Bandwith = 2 else:"setting stability to low") self.inst.Ei.Bandwith = 1
[docs] def load_procedure(self, name): """load a procedure. Args: name (str): name of the procedure. """ try: self.proc = self.inst.LoadProcedure(self.proceduresd[name])"procedure {name} loaded") except Exception as exp: log.error(exp) sys.exit()
[docs] def potential(self): """get the current of the instrument vs. reference electrode. Returns: float: current pottential. """ current_potential = float(self.inst.Ei.get_Potential())"current potential vs. reference electrode is {current_potential}") return current_potential
[docs] def applied_potential(self): """get the applied potential of the instrument vs. reference electrode. Returns: flaot: applied potential. """ applied_potential = float(self.inst.Ei.PotentialApplied)"current applied potential vs. reference electrode is {applied_potential}") return applied_potential
[docs] def current(self): """get the current of the instrument vs. reference electrode. Returns: current (float): current value. """ current = float(self.inst.Ei.Current)"applied current vs. reference electrode is {current}") return current
[docs] def measure_status(self): """check if the instrument is measuring. Returns: bool: True if measuring, False if not. """ try: return self.proc.IsMeasuring except:"no procedure is loaded") return False
[docs] def set_current_range(self, current_range): """set the current range of the instrument. Args: current_range (str): set the current range of the instrument. """ if current_range == "10A": self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange = 1 elif current_range == "1A": self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange = 0 elif current_range == "100A": self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange = -1 elif current_range == "10mA": self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange = -2 elif current_range == "1mA": self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange = -3 elif current_range == "100uA": self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange = -4 elif current_range == "10uA": self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange = -5 elif current_range == "1uA": self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange = -6 elif current_range == "100nA": self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange = -7 elif current_range == "10nA": self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange = -8"current range set to {current_range}\ with the value {self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange}") return self.inst.Ei.CurrentRange
[docs] def set_setpoints(self, procedure, setpoints, current_range): """set the setpoints of the procedure. Args: procedure (str): name of the procedure. setpoints (dict): a dictionary of the procedure's parameters. current_range (str): the current range of the instrument. """ if procedure in list(self.current_range_procedure_setting.keys()): # set the current range new_current_range = self.set_current_range(current_range) # change current range in the correcponded experiment current_comm = self.current_range_procedure_setting[procedure] self.proc.Commands[current_comm].CommandParameters["WE(1).Current range"].Value = \ new_current_range"current range set to {current_range} in procedure {procedure} \n \ the experment settings are {setpoints}") if setpoints is None or setpoints == {}:"no parameters for {procedure}") else: for comm, params in setpoints.items(): for param, value in params.items(): self.proc.Commands[comm].CommandParameters[param].Value = value"set {param} to {value}")
[docs] def set_ocp_value(self, procedure, ocp_value): """ set the ocp potential or current of the procedure. Args: procedure (str): name of the procedure. ocp_value (float): ocp potential or current value. """ ocp_command = self.ocp_procedure_setting[procedure] self.proc.Commands[ocp_command].CommandParameters["Setpoint value"].Value = ocp_value"set the OCP value to {ocp_value} in procedure {procedure}")
[docs] async def get_ocp_on_the_fly(self): """get the on the fly OCP value as initial point for autolab procedures. Returns: current (float): current value at ocp. potential (float): potential value at ocp. """ self.load_procedure("ocp") # measure the procedure for 10 seconds self.proc.Measure() await asyncio.sleep(13) # extracting the OCP values ocp_values = [] for ocp_item in ['WE(1).Current', 'WE(1).Potential']: extracted_values =\ list(self.proc.Commands['recordsignal'].Signals.get_Item(ocp_item).Value)"extracted {ocp_item} value: {extracted_values}") # due to oscillation, an averaged value is used ocp_values.append(np.mean(extracted_values[-5:])) # empty the procedure self.proc = None # first value is the current, second value is the potential return ocp_values[0], ocp_values[1]
# This function needs to be modified to work with the bokeh visualizer properly # Todo
[docs] async def visualize_measurement(self, measurement_type, measurement_id=None): """an async function to run while the instrument is measuring used for the visualizer. Args: measurement_type (str): the type of measurement for plotting. """ start_time = copy(time.monotonic()) while self.proc.IsMeasuring: freq = 100 # not to cause an exception sleep(0.5) current_time = copy(time.monotonic()) measure_time = current_time-start_time if measurement_type == 'impedance': try: # get the parameters of the measurement freq = self.proc.FraCommands['FIAScan'].get_FIAMeasurement().Frequency[0] hreal = self.proc.FraCommands['FIAScan'].get_FIAMeasurement().H_Real[0] imag = self.proc.FraCommands['FIAScan'].get_FIAMeasurement().H_Imaginary[0] phase = self.proc.FraCommands['FIAScan'].get_FIAMeasurement().H_Phase[0] modulus = self.proc.FraCommands['FIAScan'].get_FIAMeasurement().H_Modulus[0]"frequency: {freq}, real: {hreal}, imaginary: {imag},\ phase: {phase}, modulus: {modulus}") await self.queue.put([measure_time, freq, 0.0, hreal, imag, phase, modulus, 0.0, measurement_id]) await asyncio.sleep(0.4) except:"no measurement yet") #await asyncio.sleep(0.6) elif measurement_type == 'tCV': measured_current = self.current() measured_potential = self.potential()"time: {measure_time}, measured current: {measured_current},\ measured potential: {measured_potential}") await self.queue.put([measure_time, 0.0, measured_potential, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, measured_current, measurement_id]) await asyncio.sleep(0.4)
[docs] def parse_nox(self, parse_instruction, save_dir = None, optional_name = None): """parse the data from the saved nox file Args: parse_instruction (str): the instruction for parsing the data. save_dir (str, optional): save directory. Defaults to None. optional_name (str, optional): optional file name. Defaults to None. Returns: data (dict): extracted data """ # get the saved procedure and parse it if save_dir: self.save_dir = save_dir if optional_name: self.optional_name = optional_name # load the finished procedure"loading procedure from {self.save_dir} with filename {self.optional_name}") self.finished_procedure = self.inst.LoadProcedure( os.path.join(self.save_dir, f"{self.optional_name}.nox")) = {} # check if the procedure is a list if not isinstance(parse_instruction, list): parse_instruction = [parse_instruction] for comm in parse_instruction: # get the procedure's parameters names = [str(n) for n in self.finished_procedure.Commands[comm].Signals.Names] # get the data for each parameter[comm] = {n: [float(f) for f in \ self.finished_procedure.Commands[comm].Signals.get_Item(n).Value] \ for n in names} utils.save_data_as_json(directory = self.save_dir, data =, \ name = self.optional_name) # self.optional_name.replace('.nox', '.json') return
[docs] async def perform_measurement(self, procedure, plot_type, parse_instruction, save_dir, setpoints = None, current_range = "1mA", on_off_status = "off", optional_name = None, measure_at_ocp = False, measurement_id = None): """perform the measurement Args: procedure (str): the procedure to be performed. plot_type (str): the type of plot. parse_instruction (list[str]): the instruction for parsing the data. save_dir (str): save directory. setpoints (dict): the setpoints of the procedure. current_range (str): the current range. Defaults to "1mA". on_off_status (str): the status of the instrument. Defaults to "off". optional_name (str): optional file name. Defaults to None. measure_at_ocp (bool): whether to measure at ocp. Default is False. db_procedure (object): the procedure object from the database. Defaults to None. Returns: data (dict): extracted data from the nox file of the procedure. """ # Add the procedure to a measurement # Create procedure db_procedure = Procedure() db_procedure.procedure_name = procedure # assamble_information about the procedure #proc = {"ocp": [setpoints["recordsignal"]['Duration (s)'], 100, 0.0]} #db_procedure.add_procedure_information(*proc[procedure], db_procedure.measurement_id) # define a save path for saving th nox files of the measurements save_dir = utils.create_dir(os.path.join(save_dir, "data"))"The procedure path is {save_dir}") # create a file name for the nox file name = utils.assemble_file_name(self.__class__.__name__, optional_name) if \ optional_name else utils.assemble_file_name(self.__class__.__name__) if measure_at_ocp: if procedure == "cp": ocp_value, _ = await self.get_ocp_on_the_fly() elif procedure in ("ca", "eis", "cv_staircase"): _, ocp_value = await self.get_ocp_on_the_fly() else: log.error("The procedure is not supported for measuring at OCP") # load the procedure self.load_procedure(procedure) if measure_at_ocp: self.set_ocp_value(procedure, ocp_value) ocp_command = self.ocp_procedure_setting[procedure] setpoints[ocp_command] = {} setpoints[ocp_command]["Setpoint value"] = ocp_value"loading the procedure {procedure}") # set the setpoints self.set_setpoints(procedure, setpoints, current_range) # measure the procedure self.proc.Measure()"measuring the procedure") # visualize the measurement live while it is being measured await self.visualize_measurement(plot_type, measurement_id=measurement_id) # Empty the queue while not self.queue.empty(): self.queue.get_nowait() self.queue.task_done() # cell status after measurement self.set_cell(on_off_status) # time required for switching the cell off and save the data await asyncio.sleep(2) self.proc.SaveAs(os.path.join(save_dir, f"{name}.nox")) # make a configuration of the procedure procedure_configuration = dict(procedure = procedure, setpoints = setpoints, plot_type = plot_type, on_off_status = on_off_status, save_dir = save_dir, file_name= name, parse_instructions = parse_instruction, measure_at_ocp = measure_at_ocp) utils.save_data_as_json(directory = save_dir, data = procedure_configuration, name = f"{name}_configuration") await asyncio.sleep(0.2) data = self.parse_nox(parse_instruction = parse_instruction, save_dir = save_dir, optional_name = name) # with open(r"mischbares\tests\test_files\cv_staircase_finalized.json", "rb") as f: # import json # data = json.load(f) # call madap , do data analysis : processed data if measurement_id: analyzed_data = AnalysisDriver(procedure_configuration=procedure_configuration, data=data, parse_instruction=parse_instruction, db_procedure=db_procedure, measurement_id=measurement_id) # Add the measured data to the database info = self.prepare_data_for_db(procedure_configuration, analyzed_data=analyzed_data) db_procedure.add_procedure_information(*info, measurement_id) if procedure == "cv_staircase": self.add_cv_cycle_data_to_db(analyzed_data, db_procedure=db_procedure) if procedure == "eis": parse_instruction.pop(parse_instruction.index("FIAMeasurement")) db_procedure.add_raw_procedure_data(data[parse_instruction[0]]) # get the datetime now up until seconds db_procedure.procedure_finished ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") send_to_telegram(message=f'Finished experiment {analyzed_data.madap_args.experiment_id} at {"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}', message_type="info") await asyncio.sleep(2)"finished measuring and saving procedure {procedure}") return data
[docs] def add_cv_cycle_data_to_db(self, analyzed_data, db_procedure): for cycle in analyzed_data.analysis_cls.E_half_params: cycle_number = cycle.split("_")[-1] E_half, corrosion_points = [], [] for _, pair_dict in analyzed_data.analysis_cls.E_half_params[cycle].items(): E_half.append((pair_dict["E_half"], pair_dict["I_half"])) if "corrosion_point" in pair_dict.keys(): corrosion_points.append((pair_dict["corrosion_point"]["voltage"], pair_dict["corrosion_point"]["current"])) else: corrosion_points.append((None, None)) peak_anodic, height_anodic, D_anodic = [], [], [] for _, peak_dict in analyzed_data.analysis_cls.anodic_peak_params[cycle].items(): peak_anodic.append((peak_dict["voltage"], peak_dict["current"])) if "D" in peak_dict.keys(): D_anodic.append(peak_dict["D"]) else: D_anodic.append(None) # check if height is in the dictionary if "height" in peak_dict.keys(): height_anodic.append(peak_dict["height"]) else: height_anodic.append(None) peak_cathodic, height_cathodic, D_cathodic = [], [], [] for _, peak_dict in analyzed_data.analysis_cls.cathodic_peak_params[cycle].items(): peak_cathodic.append((peak_dict["voltage"], peak_dict["current"])) if "D" in peak_dict.keys(): D_cathodic.append(peak_dict["D"]) else: D_cathodic.append(None) if "height" in peak_dict.keys(): height_cathodic.append(peak_dict["height"]) else: height_cathodic.append(None) db_procedure.add_cv_cycle_data(cycle_number, peak_anodic, peak_cathodic, D_anodic, D_cathodic, E_half, height_anodic, height_cathodic, corrosion_points, analyzed_data.analysis_cls.temperature, db_procedure.procedure_id)
[docs] def prepare_data_for_db(self, procedure_configuration, analyzed_data): if procedure_configuration["procedure"] == "ocp": # Info: duration, interval_time proc_info = [procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["recordsignal"]["Duration (s)"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["recordsignal"]["Interval time (s)"]] # raw: current, corrected_time, index, potential, dpotential_dt,power, charge, dpower_dt, dcharge_dt return proc_info if procedure_configuration["procedure"] == "cv_staircase": # Info: start_potential, upper_vertex, lower_vertex, step_size, num_of_stop_crossings, stop_value, scan_rate proc_info = [procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["FHSetSetpointPotential"]["Setpoint value"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["FHCyclicVoltammetry2"]["Upper vertex"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["FHCyclicVoltammetry2"]["Lower vertex"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["FHCyclicVoltammetry2"]["Step"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["FHCyclicVoltammetry2"]["NrOfStopCrossings"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["FHCyclicVoltammetry2"]["Stop value"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["FHCyclicVoltammetry2"]["Scanrate"]] return proc_info if procedure_configuration["procedure"] == "ca": # Info: duration, applied_potential, interval_time, capacity, diffusion_coefficient proc_info = [procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["recordsignal"]["Duration (s)"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["applypotential"]["Setpoint value"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["recordsignal"]["Interval time (s)"], analyzed_data.analysis_cls.np_cumulative_charge[-1], # capacity (last value of the cumulative charge) analyzed_data.analysis_cls.diffusion_coefficient, analyzed_data.analysis_cls.reaction_order, analyzed_data.analysis_cls.reaction_rate_constant] # raw: corrected_time, index, charge, current, potential, power, dcharge_dt, dcurrent_dt, dpotential_dt, dpower_dt return proc_info if procedure_configuration["procedure"] == "cp": # Info: duration, applied_current, interval_time, transition_time proc_info = [procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["recordsignal"]["Duration (s)"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["applycurrent"]["Setpoint value"], procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["recordsignal"]["Interval time (s)"], analyzed_data.analysis_cls.tao_initial, # intial transition time, list(analyzed_data.analysis_cls.stabilization_values.items())[0][1]] # initial stabilization potential return proc_info if procedure_configuration["procedure"] == "eis": # Info: potential, integration_time, integration_cycle, lower_freuqency, upper_frequency, potential_dc, current_dc, fitted_circuit proc_info = [procedure_configuration["setpoints"]["Set potential"]["Setpoint value"], analyzed_data.lower_frequency, analyzed_data.upper_frequency, analyzed_data.potential_DC, analyzed_data.current_DC] #analyzed_data.analysis_cls.custom_circuit["Circuit String"]] # TODO: fitted_circuit are not available in the procedure. Placeholder for MADAP return proc_info