""" autolab action"""
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
import requests
from mischbares.config.main_config import config
from mischbares.logger import logger
log = logger.get_logger("autolab_action")
SERVERKEY = "autolab"
SERVER_URL = config[SERVERKEY]['url']
app = FastAPI(title="Autolab", description="Autolab API", version="2.1.0")
#pylint: disable=R0903
[docs]class ReturnClass(BaseModel):
define a return class for returning the result with pydantic.
parameters: dict = None
data: dict = None
def health_check():
""" health check to see if the server is up and running
dict: status
return {"status": "healthy"}
def set_cell(onoff:str):
"""turn the cell on or off.
onoff (str): "on" or "off" for the cell.
retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data
res = requests.get(f"{SERVER_URL}/autolabDriver/cellonoff", params={'onoff':onoff},
retc = ReturnClass(parameters = {'cellonoff':onoff}, data = res)
log.info("set_cell: %s at the action level", onoff)
return retc
def potential():
"""get the current potential of the cell.
retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data.
res = requests.get(f"{SERVER_URL}/autolabDriver/potential", timeout=None).json()
retc = ReturnClass(parameters = {}, data = res)
return retc
def applied_potential():
"""get the current applied potential of the cell vs reference electrode.
retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data.
res = requests.get(f"{SERVER_URL}/autolabDriver/appliedpotential", timeout=None).json()
retc = ReturnClass(parameters = {}, data = res)
return retc
def current():
"""get the current applied potential of the cell vs reference electrode.
retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data.
res = requests.get(f"{SERVER_URL}/autolabDriver/current", timeout=None).json()
retc = ReturnClass(parameters = {}, data = res)
return retc
def measure_status():
"""check if the instrument is measuring.
retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data.
res = requests.get(f"{SERVER_URL}/autolabDriver/ismeasuring", timeout=None).json()
retc = ReturnClass(parameters = {}, data = res)
return retc
def set_current_range(crange:str):
"""set the current range of the instrument.
crange (str): current range of the instrument
(10A, 1A, 100A, 10mA, 1mA, 100uA, 10uA, 1uA, 100nA, 10nA).
_type_: _description_
res = requests.get(f"{SERVER_URL}/autolabDriver/setcurrentrange",
params={'crange':crange}, timeout=None).json()
retc = ReturnClass(parameters= {'crange': crange}, data = res)
return retc
def measure(procedure: str, plot_type: str, parse_instruction, save_dir: str,
setpoints, current_range: str = "1mA",
on_off_status: str = "off",
optional_name: str = None, measure_at_ocp: bool = False,
measurement_id: int = None):
"""measure the requested procedure.
procedure (str): procedure to be measured.
plot_type (str): plot type of the procedure.
parse_instruction (str): parse instruction of the procedure.
save_dir (str): save directory of the procedure.
setpoints (str): setpoints of the procedure.
current_range (str, optional): current range of the instrument.
on_off_status (str, optional): on or off status of the cell.
optional_name (str, optional): optional name of the procedure.
measure_at_ocp (bool, optional): measure at ocp or not.
retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data.
log.info("measure: %s at action level", procedure)
measure_conf = dict(procedure = procedure, plot_type = plot_type,
parse_instruction = parse_instruction,
save_dir = save_dir, setpoints = setpoints,
current_range = current_range,
on_off_status = on_off_status,
optional_name = optional_name,
measure_at_ocp = measure_at_ocp,
measurement_id = measurement_id)
log.info("The procedure parameters at action level is: %s", measure_conf)
res = requests.get(f"{SERVER_URL}/autolabDriver/measure", params=measure_conf, timeout=None).json()
retc = ReturnClass(parameters = measure_conf, data = res)
return retc
def retrieve(save_dir: str, file_name: str):
"""retrieve the data from the file.
save_dir (str): directory of the file.
file_name (str): name of the file.
retc (ReturnClass): return class with the parameters and the data.
conf = dict(safepath= save_dir,filename = file_name)
res = requests.get(f"{SERVER_URL}/autolabDriver/retrieve", params=conf, timeout=None).json()
retc = ReturnClass(parameters = {'save_dir':save_dir,'file_name':file_name}, data = res)
return retc
[docs]def main():
"""main function to run the action.
uvicorn.run(app, host=config['servers'][SERVERKEY]['host'],
if __name__ == "__main__":